At Nicobar, a lifestyle digital-first brand, I was leading Brand Strategy & Communication. As part of PR initiatives we build strong collaborative projects.

I launched first ever B2B PR partnerships strategy by developing framework to assess partner strength, onboarding partners such as Airbnb, Twitter, World Wildlife Fund, WeWork generating $1.7M in revenue

Wework diary

Custom “Swag” for WeWork

Wework x Nicobar

As brand collaborations Strategy at Nicobar, partnered to develop custom “swag-bag” diary for select WeWork locations across India


Twitter Collaboration

Twitter x Nicobar

Developed custom order for Twitter generating additional revenue and social media traction through the collaboration


Thought leadership for Nicobar

To strengthen brand positioning in thought-leadership for founders, and to generate footfall to the stores, developed a talk-series with entrepreneurs, using the stores as venue.